Public halls hit by hidden costs

By Melissa Meehan
COUNCILLORS from the Shire of Yarra Ranges are worried that public halls managed by community committees will soon become a thing of the past.
Cr Samantha Dunn raised the issue at last week’s council meeting, after a committee of management in her ward resigned after the costs of public liability insurance (PLI) became too high.
“Last week, one committee of management resigned from the hall they manage, and others are on the brink of resigning,” Cr Dunn said.
She said that public halls were an important instrument for the shire in building community relations.
“One of my towns has a CFA, a footy team and a hall, and if we do not address the issue of insurance costs we are forcing them into a corner,” Cr Dunn said.
Cr Dunn moved a motion that the council prepare a report that outlined the current situation of public halls within the Shire.
The motion was supported by a majority of councillors.
Cr Graeme Warren said that the significant number of old buildings throughout the shire meant that the problem would not go away if ignored.
Cr Noel Cliff agreed, and highlighted the importance of finding a way to “get around PLI”.
The report will include a study into the number and state of the halls, the current usage and management of halls, the obligations of hall committees, and opportunities for alternative management arrangements for current halls.