THE V. C. Mullett Hall at Badger Creek is one step closer to getting much-needed modern toilets.
A grant of $6000 was announced last week for the preparation of plans for the toilets, which will replace the outdoor and outmoded original loos.
The hall committee was one of four volunteer committees of management in the Shire of Yarra Ranges to share in nearly $30,000 of State Government funding to improve public assets for their local communities.
The grants have been awarded under the Department of Sustainability and Environment’s (DSE) Stewardship in Action program, which helps committees of management of public assets such as halls and recreation reserves to provide better facilities.
Funding will also go to Sheepstation Creek Reserve – $3400 towards carpark fencing and internal seating, Ferny Creek Reserve will receive $17,143 towards a new roof on the hall and Kallista Mechanics Institute which will receive $2209 for painting and internal repairs to the hall.
DSE regional infrastructure manager Mike Behnke said volunteer committees of management played a vital role for their communities.
“Stewardship in Action grants help volunteer committees to make public facilities the best they can be for the use and enjoyment of local communities,” Mr Behnke said.
“This might involve protecting natural features, improving access or simply arresting physical deterioration, as some of these facilities are historic buildings highly valued by the community.”