Global warming hysteria

THE scientific journal ‘Nature’ reports that scientific research shows a cooling trend until the year 2018 after which we might see warming.
On 4 April, Michel Jarraud, secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the scientific body who created the IPCC, advised the BBC that the current La Nina event would continue depressing global temperatures during 2008 concluding that globally, temperatures have not risen in 10 years since the El Nino event in 1998.
That’s a 20-year trend of no global warming. Both reports concur that the IPCC predictions have been incorrect. The Australian news media has not, will not, and cannot report this breaking news.
The green-washed activist and politicians have seen to that.
Why does this matter to us here in this shire?
Because the man-made global warming hysteria is purely a money-making device conceived by those who wish to gain power through fear. We only have to look at our own council to see how true this is.
Once we had rate increases in the four per cent range, now we are hit with seven per cent increases.
Last year’s increase contained what can only be called a tithe to the religion of man-made global warming of 1.3 per cent to appease the green-washed fanatics.
Our council bases its need for this money using reports from the now invalid IPCC reports.
The eco activists in council should have never been voted in.
Rate increases will be announced within a few weeks.
Now is the time to raise a unified voice of dissent against the kind of increases we have suffered since the last election.
Will our council finally wise up to the fact that they’ve wasted our money on a fruitless venture?
Maybe when we vote them out they will. But in the meantime, we must force them to control their spending habits, return rate increases to a moderate amount, and demand they stop wasting our money on a climate change that isn’t happening.
C. Buckley