Come for a hysterical, historical Quiz Night at Mont De Lancey

Head to the Mont De Lancey museum for a night of quizzing fun. (File)

By Callum Ludwig

The Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead is welcoming another new event to the array which has already recently joined their calendar.

A Historical/Hysterical Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 24 August in the museum and all are welcome to buy a ticket and secure a place.

Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead Administrator Deb Duncan said the event is another first for Mont De Lancey.

“We’re really looking forward to it, it’s being run by a group called Quizzame, who do quite a few different quizzes around, and it is a fundraiser for Mont de Lancey, as the only funding we get is through the tickets that we sell for tours and things like that, so it is a fundraiser to keep our gorgeous Mont de Laney, the keeper of the local history, here and open for people to visit,” she said.

“We’re looking for people to purchase tickets and tables and just have a big night of fun, there’ll be lots of fun games, we’ve got a couple of raffles that’ll be going, we’ll have a silent auction that’ll be on and of course lots of quizzing fun too.”

All questions are multiple-choice and will be displayed on screen with a mixture of picture, video and audio questions.

Ms Duncan said hosting new events gets a different cohort of people up there that may not have visited or had the opportunity or even thought to come and have a look at Mont De Lancey.

“It’s opening up local’s eyes, so it’s a great opportunity, we’ve had a few work teams that have booked tables, which is great, a few family teams that have booked, and a few other social groups that have booked tables as well,” she said.

“After we had Cinema in the Paddock, which was the first for us, it’s just been really good and we are really enjoying being supported by the local community in these new events that we’re having.”

Attendees will be participating in tables of eight, with individuals and groups who don’t have eight participants being put together to make up numbers.

Wine, beer, and soft drinks will be available for purchase and attendees can BYO their own snacks for their table, arrive at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Tickets are $20 per person and 100 per cent of funds raised will go to Mont De Lancey and the upkeep of the property.

To purchase, visit