The hilarious comedy El Diablo comes to Warburton after finally making its debut in Gippsland last week.
The show was cancelled four times due to statewide lockdowns, and audiences filled the theatre, keen to have a night of laughs with one of the region’s premier original theatre companies.
“This is classic comedy, sending up the whole pretentious foodie thing, and shining a light on just how ridiculous gourmet dining actually is” said writer and director Phillip A Mayer.
“It’s so much fun throwing normal people into this alien world where pompous, overblown and self-important people look down on them, as if they don’t belong. It’s something everyone can probably relate to, feeling excluded and judged”.
The comedy has been in rehearsal since April, but has had to adapt due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions.
“We were presented with the extra hurdle of having to adapt and rehearse online, which is less than ideal. Comedy needs the physical interaction to develop, but the cast have been amazing and have worked hard to achieve the standards audiences expect from HT&E ensembles”.
The show is set in the high-class El Diablo restaurant, where Paul and Maurine have finally got a booking, and are looking forward to hobnobbing with celebrities and wealthy social elites, but their preconceptions are soon shattered, and their evening turns pear-shaped upon the arrival of so-called upper-crust couple Ian and Siobhan.
“This is a real clash of cultures, where normal average and wholesome values, meet pretentious entitlement, and the ensuing craziness is so much fun”.
This new comedy by the multi-award winning HT&E Theatre Co. was inspired by an article during lockdown, where people were complaining about not being able to go to expensive restaurants.
“The entitlement of some people, with zero consideration for most people who were doing it hard, suffering without much support, was amazing, so we thought we’d explore that.
Its part observational comedy, with a big helping of farce. The opening had audiences in stitches watching the train wreck unfold”.
“We’re really excited to get back to Warburton. My family connection with the region and the support from Yarra Valley Council is wonderful. We feel very lucky to be able to perform. It’s been difficult for live theatre, and we hope people come out for a great night of laughs”.
El Diablo is a great little story with outrageous characters that will engage and create laughter throughout.
“It’s what everyone needs now, to get them back to live performance, something fun with some great messages”.
The company have had hit Melbourne Comedy Festival shows including Couples! and Table 17, and the award-winning Bogan Shakespeare.
“The cast are brilliant and have built a highly entertaining piece of comedy and made the characters very real and relatable. It’s a treat for the actors to play these people and it’ll be a treat for audiences”.
El Diablo is showing at The Arts Centre Warburton on Saturday November 27 at 7:30pm. Book tickets online at yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Experience/Events/El-Diablo or call 1300 368 333.