By Jed Lanyon
The Marysville Jazz and Blues Weekend returns for the fifth consecutive year on 18-20 October.
The festival is perfect for anyone looking for a picturesque weekend filled with new friends, amazing performances and a break from the daily grind.
The line-up for this year’s festival includes Melbourne soul legends Vika and Linda Bull, Karen Lee Andrews – whose rise began some time ago as Ms Murphy on TV show The Voice, WA blues prodigy Matty T Wall and the awesome 19-piece big band power f Big Band Frequency.
Other acts include the African/Australian colab project Senegambian Jazz Band, travelling troubadour Frank Sultana and many more still to be announced.
Visitors can soak up the jazz and blues atmosphere throughout the village, in cafes, restaurants and bars.
Perfect for a weekend away or stay longer and explore all that this beautiful part of the world has to offer.
Murrindindi Shire awarded Marysville Jazz and Blues Weekend “Best Community Event of the Year” in 2015 and 2016.
Visit to book your ticket.