Track go-ahead

WORKS on one of the most controversial projects funded by the Bushfire Appeal will begin later this month.
A permit for works to start on the $675,625 Yarra Glen to Steels Creek Track was upheld after the matter was taken to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) in June last year.
The track, funded by the Victorian Reconstruction and Recovery Authority (VBBRA) and the Victorian Bushfire Appeals Fund (VBAF) committee, has been one of the more talked about projects since the bushfires ravaged the area of Steels Creek and outlying areas of Yarra Glen – many believing it wouldn’t be used by residents or visitors.
The aim was to create a serviceable and functional shared track along Steels Creek Road to connect the communities of Yarra Glen and Steels Creek – the council constructing the track on behalf of those authorities mentioned.
But some residents labelled the track unnecessary and questioned the need for removing so many trees leaving the project on hold since June.
Objector John Blake told the hearing that the council had not established the need for the trail and that the length and location meant it would be poorly used by local people and visitors.
Earlier this month, VCAT upheld the council’s decision to issue a planning permit for the vegetation removal required to construct several short sections of the track.
In his decision Administrator Geoffrey Code gave the council a slap on the wrist saying the plans of which vegetation would be removed could be more precise, but said the permit was consistent with the native vegetation permit.
“We are satisfied that the removal is a satisfactory planning outcome and balances objectives in favour of net community benefit and sustainable benefit of present and future generations,” Mr Code said.
In a letter to residents the Yarra Ranges Council said the contractor was expected to start works in the next week or two and the project should be completed towards the end of July.