Sentence delay

By Kath Gannaway
A HEALESVILLE man who pleaded guilty to assault and other charges at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court in November will be sentenced in March.
Leslie James Maffescioni, 43, appeared before Judge J. Nicholson at a plea hearing at the Melbourne County Court on Wednesday 8 February, on charges of aggravated burglary, intentionally causing injury and criminal damage in relation to an incident in Healesville on 30 August 2011.
In a statement read by Department of Public Prosecutions lawyer Amina Bhai, the court heard that Maffescioni punched and kicked the victim, who was known to him.
Ms Bhai said the victim was hospitalised and later that evening Healesville police arrested Maffe-scioni at his Maroondah Highway home.
Two days later, Lilydale CIU further interviewed Maffescioni, resulting in charges being laid.
He was released on bail.
Ms Bhai told the court the maximum penalty for the aggravated burglary is 25 years, for the charge of intentionally causing injury, 10 years, and for criminal damage, also 10 years.
Ms Bhai, in response to criminal defence lawyer Ian Crisp’s call for a non-custodial sentence, said she believed a Community Corrections Order was not appropriate.
She told the court the charges warranted an immediate term of imprisonment between three and four years with a non-parole period of 12 to 18 months.
Judge Nicholson allowed Mr Crisp’s request for his client to be assessed for suitability for a Community Corrections Order and set a further plea hearing for Wednesday 7 March.