By Mara Pattison-Sowden
THE Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in Warburton was more than a little crowded on the afternoon of Sunday 7 January 1912, when it was dedicated and opened by Archbishop Carr.
According to the Catholic Advocate, it was “a well-constructed weatherboard building capable of meeting the district’s requirements for some years to come”.
Miss Ward of LaLa donated half the £100 the Catholic community paid her for the site and the church and its furnishings as it was then had cost £242.
Anniversary celebration committee member Margaret Marshall has attended the church for half of the parish’s life.
“We came up in 1960 and all six children went to St Joe’s,” she said.
“In my mind we’re celebrating that the church has sustained the Catholic way in the community for so long.
“I’m proud of the history here and proud to be a part of the history for so long.”
Father Eugene Ashkar said it was wonderful to celebrate the centenary.
“It’s a tribute and a link to those people before us and their generosity and faith,” he said.
The church will hold solemn celebrations on 29 January with Archibishop Denis Hart.
The special Mass will be followed with historic displays and a light luncheon at the Cerini Centre on Park Road.
Historians Rosemary Crowley and Ellena Biggs will conduct a tour of the Catholic part of the Wesburn Cemetery, where Father Cerini is buried, for a gold coin donation. The committee is looking for photos and memorabilia of the church for its 100th anniversary in January 2012.
Contributors can contact Margaret on 5966 2921 or Pat on 5966 9855.