By Ron Hottes
There was no V.V.V. competition this week, due to the long weekend.
Instead, the club held a four person ambrose event for members, with results panning out as follows: the Fox Boys, (Peter, Danny and Michael) along with Sam Dennis came out on top after posting an impressive nett score of 51.75.
Close behind, snaring the runner up vouchers, was the team of Rod & Ian Kempton, Gary Vollmer and Ric Downing.
They managed a nett score of 52 flat.
The list of NTP winners is as follows: La Pinkster (3rd), Ben Lever (5th), Junior Kempton (9th), Geoff Sharp (12th), Troy Murphy (15th).
Also longest drive prizes were awarded to Peter Fox (A Grade), Simon Spenceley (B-Grade) and to Merilyn McDonald for the Ladies.
The straightest drive was provided by Ken White.
Wednesday 12 March: At Stableford, another hot and demanding golf day confronted the field, but as always, those hot conditions only inspired some to post hot scores.
A white hot score of 42 points was achieved by Mario DeVincentis, who appears to be playing as well as his beloved Cats.
As an aside to Mario’s round, he had 19 front nine points, but 23 on the back.
This is remarkable because the back nine is particularly dry, demanding & unfair showing how good those 23 points were.
The consistent Robert Ferguson grabbed the runner up prize with 39 solid points.
Balls reached down to 36 only.
NTPs went home with Mr. Conway (3rd), David Mackey (9th), Ian Cranston (12th) and Michael Hibbert (15th).
TWILIGHT: With only three home and away rounds left before the iconic shootout, on 3 April, the top ten is more like the top plenty.
There are, as this statement confirms, almost two dozen players either currently in the top ten, or vying for one of those much desired spots.
Doing his chances no harm, and winning this week’s twilight voucher, is Angus Hall, who returned a superb score of 25 points, posting just 2 over par, off a handicap of 18.
This fine young man could be going straight to the 3 April shootout.
This young tyro is sitting atop of the heap, with a clear lead and a shootout spot all but guaranteed.
He’s clearly inherited his grandfather’s winning ways.
The runner up with 21 points was Dale Horrobin.
With scores like this recorded, you needed to score 18+ points to even claim a ball.
NTP winners were: Chris Leighton (3rd), Your Loyal Scribe (5th) and also to Roger Mataele (9th).
Saturday 15 March: Stableford & the Dick Leith Club Championship Matchplay finals:
With a return to the hot steamy conditions that we golfers have endured for most of this summer/autumn period, this almost certainly produces white hot results on those days.
Mr. Scotland, Neil Leckenby, was clearly white hot by posting a stunning 40 points to grab the A Grade prize.
Shane Ford and Danny Fox were both just behind with 39 points, but Shane won the countback for the runner up voucher.
Balls extended to 33.
In B Grade, Brayden Millar posted a 38 point result, which was more than enough to claim first prize.
Simon Spenceley was the runner up continuing his consistent championship form, with 36 points.
The ball rundown here reached 30 points.
Clint Toohey also had a lucrative day by claiming 2 NTPs; on the 3rd and the 5th. The other 3 NTPs went home with David Scott (9th), The Prez (12th) and to Jordie Burge, (15th).
The Matchplay finals will be played on Saturday 29 March.