1812 theatre showing Waiting for God

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The 1812 Theatre

Waiting for God

Set in a retirement home where Tom Ballard has just arrived. Opposite his room is the feisty Diana Trent, a retired journalist who specialised in war coverage news. A lady always moaning. Sarah Chase, her niece, loved her aunt and no matter how much Diana complained she still visited and put up with her aunt’s complaints.

Then we have Jane, the tireless worker who puts up with the likes of Diana and is always cheerful, and madly in love with the chief executive officer, Harvey.

An amusing story originally was a TV series and now a play.

Several sets based on a revolving stage which was used to full extent and as a result a smooth movement of scenes.

Diana Tent, the feisty resident was given a wonderful and authentic performance by Annie Laurenson. Her newcomer Tom Ballard was played by Chris Hodson, a great performance and Chris and Annie had a great rapport which was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.

Diana’s niece Sarah was given a good interpretation by Rosa Leonardi. Her scenes were great and one outstanding moment when she was having a baby, on stage and very realistic. This was felt by some comments by members of the audience.

The CEO of the retirement home, Harvey was given a great interpretation by Lindsay Fletcher, who stuck to the rules and did not realise that the housekeeper, Jane, was hopelessly in love with him. A good performance by a man sticking to the rules and not really understanding what was going on around him.

Tom’s son Geoffrey was played by Colin Morley, an enthusiastic young man who burst in and out even if it was not convenient. Morley caught the character as envisaged and kept up the standard of the evening. |

Dawn Ridsdale was Jane, the housekeeper, always cheerful and madly in love with Harvey. Ridsdale caught the essence of such a character giving an excellent performance and added to the enjoyment of the evening. Two roles were handled by Christopher Newport, that of a doctor and the forgetful Reverend Dennis. A funny performance, especially the Reverend. Newport certainly has a great sense of comique and gave a good portrayal of the characters.

Doctor Gyno, who delivered Sarah’s baby was played by Arzu Yilmaz. Another good performance giving a realistic feel of the moment.

The undertaker was played by Kate Deavin, a small role but important to the play. A good performance adding to the joy of the evening.

!812 Theatre again gave its audience a high class, hilarious and terrific evening of theatre. One to enjoy.