Peter Fox secures stunning win in the Saturday Stableford

Warburton Golf Club results. Picture: ON FILE


Although many members were affected by the recent events of this week, the Twilight comp continued with a surprisingly healthy field and, some “healthy” scores were posted indeed.

The best of those was recorded by James-Stewart, with a solid 19 points, although Jimmy only “snuck-in” for the top prize, because he won on a C’back to our in-form member, Peter-Fox, who also recorded 19 points. Good shooting by both of you!

Balls extended to 17 only. NTP winners were Hatty, for a great approach shot to the 10th, Gator-Atwell, (12th) and to our regular Bairnsdale guest, Andrew-Yuill, (15th).

Saturday 26 November Stableford:

With an election to factor into our daily tasks, (unless they have already pre-voted), who was going to be the “premier” of our club results on the day? Step forward, Premier Peter-Fox.

Peter accrued 40 stunning points on the day to just take out that title and take home the top voucher. Good work, Foxy I’m glad you remembered all that I taught you pity it wasn’t connected to golf.

The R/up, Neil-Leckenby, can consider himself a little “stiff”, because on any other day, 39 points may have seen him declared the winner.

“Mr. Scotland” will just have to be content with the second prize, (although being a true Scotsman, the $30 voucher will, no doubt, be spent wisely!!)

Balls reached 33, which means Your Loyal Scribe pocketed one, hooray.

There was a “full book” of NTP winners, starting with Crossy’s superb tee-shot at our 3rd. Geoff-Fall grabbed the 5th, (what did you beat me by, Geoffrey?).

Mr. Scotland topped off a lucrative day for him, with two NTP’s, being on the 9th and the 12th.

Finally, the always-challenging 15th was conquered by long-time member, “Shaggy” Kempton.