Head for protection

Choosing a helmet and providing supervision are among the topics covered in Kidsafe’s bike safety advice.Choosing a helmet and providing supervision are among the topics covered in Kidsafe’s bike safety advice.

EVERY year in Victoria 33 children are killed and a further 75,500 – one in every 13 children – are treated in hospital for injuries.
Parents teach children to cross roads safely, about stranger danger and healthy eating, but according to Kidsafe Victoria, the home, inside and out, is where the real dangers lie.
Kidsafe is the public arm of The Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia which has a promotional and educational role in child safety. A major focus is on preventable accidents.
Drowning, fire-related incidents, poisoning and dog attacks are among the many dangers which home-owners can access information on in the comprehensive, easy to negotiate Kidsafe website – www.kidsafevic.com.au .
There are downloadable resource fact sheets on everything from burns and scalds to choosing a bike helmet, child car restraints, toys, jumping castle safety, farm and train safety, nursery equipment, and more.
The fact sheets are available to cater for particular age-groups and in a number of languages.
Kidsafe’s Home Safety Checklist is a room by room guide listing potential dangers and providing information on what can be done to make each area of the house, and the outside areas the safe, comfortable, kid-safe places every parents wants for their children.
A home-safety inspection service is also available.
For further information visit the kidsafe website.