Eggcellent savoury

FINDING a meal that’s healthy, hearty, tasty and economical, is no mean feat, but here’s one that ticks all four – Corn and Tuna Sweet Potatoes.
This dish is not only a delicious dinner, it makes for a nourishing snack or light lunch.
Try cooking an extra couple of potatoes and keep them in the fridge to take to work the next day. At less than $2 a serve, it’s great eating for all the family that won’t stretch the budget.
What you need:
2 x 500 g sweet potatoes
2 x 125 g can corn kernels, drained
185 g tuna, drained
2 tbsp chopped parsley
4 eggs, lightly beaten
½ cup finely grated reduced fat tasty cheese
Salad leaves, or steamed green vegetables, to serve.
What to do:
Preheat the oven to 190°C. Place the sweet potatoes onto an oven tray, and bake for 50-60 minutes, until tender (test with a pointed knife in the side). Remove from the oven, and when cool enough to handle, cut in half horizontally. Scoop out the flesh, leaving about 1 cm in the skin.
Mash the sweet potato with a fork, and add the corn, tuna and parsley. Stir in the eggs, and season to taste. Place the sweet potato shells onto an oven tray lined with non-stick baking paper. Spoon the mixture into the sweet potato shells (if the shells are very soft, prop the sides with a little folded foil). Sprinkle cheese on top.
Bake for 25 minutes, until set and golden. Serve immediately, with salad or steamed green vegetables.
Serves 4
• Any leftover filling can be put into a greased ovenproof ramekin and baked alongside the sweet potatoes. If you like, use tuna in chilli oil
• For a spicy twist add chilli to the mix
Recipe courtesy of the Australian Egg Corporation.
For more filling family recipes, visit www.eggsaseasyas