Back home to rest

SADIE June Green grew up in Healesville and in January, returned to her home town for her final farewell.
Her funeral service at St John’s Anglican Church in Healesville was attended by some of the town’s oldest identities, as well as family and friends she had made over her lifetime.
Born on 16 September, 1933, Sadie was the last surviving daughter of Adeline and Albert Hort – the last of the four lovely sisters – Phyllis (Richards) Margaret (Ryan), Barbara (Smith) and Sadie.
She went to Healesville Primary School where she enjoyed her studies and gymnastics.
She was best known to her Healesville contemporaries for her role as Queen of Hotel and Guest Houses, a title she won as a bright-eyed, gorgeous 17-year-old in a competition with four other girls in 1950.
After she left school she worked as head waitress at the Grand Hotel with her sister Phyllis, then as a nurse’s aid at the local hospital and later at Langdon’s Bakery in the main street. It was when she was working at the hospital that she entered the competition which was run to raise money to build a new hospital – the current Healesville Hospital.
In 1954, the day after she turned 21, Sadie married local log carter Stan Green.
They met at the Yarra Glen dance when Sadie was 15 and a half and they made an impressive couple on the dance floor. Stan said they both loved to dance.
Their wedding, at St John’s church in Healesville, featured in the Sun News Pictorial.
In 1958 they moved to Myrtleford where they raised their family of three boys and where Sadie lived up until her death.
Sadie died on 10 January and is survived by Stan and their sons, Gary, Russell and Neville.
The church service at Healesville on 14 January brought back many happy memories of a beautiful girl for whom Healesville held a very special place in her heart.