McCoy’s medal

By Dennis Fuller
BRIAN McCoy (25) is not always known for his good timing but at Emerald Golf Club last Saturday he got it just right.
On a day when one would have envisaged good scoring to occur, disappointment reigned supreme.
McCoy’s nett 67 was good enough to take out the January VGL monthly medal. Bragging rights over the other C Graders were also his.
The ultra-consistent Ross Martin (9) was top of the A Grade pile ahead of a very disappointing bunch of stragglers.
Dave Hunt (15) headed up the B Grade crowd to be the only other golfer, apart from McCoy to beat their handicap.
Barry Cook (18), Peter Jones (18) and Jeff Marsh (25) all equalled their handicap with 70 ahead of an extreme list of losers.
Paul Farmer decided that it was his week for nearest the pins by doing just that on the 4th and 7th, Leigh Morison managed it on the 12th, Dennis Fuller played one decent shot for the day on the 13th and Jeff Marsh stole the show on the 18th by winning the pro pin.
Bouncer Holland won the eagle’s nest of 13 balls on the 441-metre par five 9th hole. The eagle included a 320m drive, a 120m sand wedge and a 10m putt.
The ladies’ comp was won by Gracia Fergus who came in with a victorious score, so I am reliably informed. Much will be expected of her in the next few weeks.
Wednesday’s Officially Farcical Golf was won by Con Whitlock who managed to get away from work and home commitments to score a nett 65 to win from Mick Petrie and Mark Lothian both on 68.
Next Saturday is a par event so there will be a very large, eager bunch of golfers waiting for the sun to rise to get at it.