It did rain …

“RELATIVELY good” is how the Mail’s Warburton rainfall recorder Keith Thomas describes December’s tally.
Mr Thomas recorded 100mm, just short of the average of 117mm.
In Healesville Alma Mitchell recorded 82.88mm over nine “rainy” days, compared with 83mm for the same time last year.
Hoddles Creek’s Doug Armstrong had 73mm in the gauge for December.
Overall for the year, Warburton finished the year with 1170.5mm, only 173mm short of its annual average of 1343.3mm, Healesville had 801.8mm compared with 825.1mm for 2008 and Hoddles Creek had 1031mm, up on 2008’s tally of 969mm.
Mr Thomas said Melbourne’s storage dams held 678,233m.ltr. at the end of December, 37.5 per cent of capacity. At the same time last year they held 39.2 per cent.