Youth cashed up

By Monique Ebrington
Facilitator Zephlyn Neilsen and the UYYF members, aged 12 to 25, allocate $20,000 worth of funding to local youth-led activities each year.
Upper Yarra residents Liam Smith, Josh Little, Thomas Lumsden-Keys, and Jess Hanman-Siegersma received a grant of $2,500 from the UYYF group late last year.
The young men will use the money to create an educational short film that highlights the effects of binge drinking.
The Hoddles Creek CFA Junior Division also received a cash grant to purchase a new barbecue trailer for the brigade.
UYYF member Maddie Ryan said it wasn’t just the groups who received grants who benefited from the foundation.
“We’re really involved with the whole process,” Maddie said.
“We look over the group’s application, do the interview process and then we deliberate whether they meet the criteria.
“You really get to know the group and it feels really good to actively help out the community.
“It feels great to hand over the money at the end, because you get to know the groups really well.”
For more information on Upper Yarra Youth Foundations, or to become involved, visit .