Museum hosts fire artworks

Students Rory and Robert with their artworks which will be on exhibition at Melbourne Museum. 39618Students Rory and Robert with their artworks which will be on exhibition at Melbourne Museum. 39618

By Kath Gannaway
PAINTINGS by Healesville Primary School students depicting February’s bushfires will be part of an exhibition at Melbourne Museum this summer. While some students were directly affected by the fires, few would not have been affected in some way.
Students Robert and Rory said they were safe in Healesville from the fires. Their works focus on the firefighters and other aspects they observed in the days and weeks following, including the ‘Elvis’ firefighting helicopter, police and the army.
Many of the works produced in the weeks after the fires have been exhibited previously, including at the recent Yarra Valley Arts Council Primary Schools’ Exhibition in Healesville, and at the Lilydale Show over the weekend.
Art teacher Lillian Triffett Walsh said the museum’s staff were keen for the school to be involved in the exhibition which will involve the reconstruction of a chimney from the Kinglake area within the Forest Gallery.
The official ceremony dedicating the chimney will take place on Sunday, 29 November, with residents of the fire-affected areas invited to attend.
“A representation of our student works will be hung in the Melbourne Gallery to coincide with the installation of the chimney,” Ms Triffett Walsh said.
“This is indeed an honour for these students and our school,” she said and urged Yarra Valley residents to visit the museum during the time the exhibition is up to see the excellent work done by local students.