Keep chooks cool- A shady retreat, plenty of water and good food – a summer recipe for happy c

CHOOKS are making a comeback to the average backyard and for first-time ‘chooksters’ summer could be a steep learning curve.
Kevin Mason, a life member of the Mountain District Poultry Society with a lifetime of chook-ownership to draw on, has some helpful advice on keeping poultry happy and healthy in the heat.
He said chooks really feel the heat and their needs are basic but important.
“They drink more water when it’s hot so they need a good supply of clean water daily, they need to have shade and a nice, airy position,” Mr Mason said.
Chicken coops which are low to the ground can get quite hot inside and so need to be moved into the shade or insulated.
“Chooks love a good dust bathe so, depending on how people are keeping them in hot weather, it’s great to have a little area where they can scratch up some dust, and give them plenty of green feed – they love silverbeet,” he said.
“Clean water, good fresh food and shade will be the three main principles to get them through the summer months.”
The cool of the evening is the ideal time to let the girls out for a bit of a scratch around the garden with the bonus that they will be keeping the insects down and bugs out of the garden.
The tell-tale signs of stress?
“If you see them with their wings hanging down, or their beaks open, you know they are trying to cool themselves down and they should not be disturbed or handled, just ensure all the other things are in place – water, shade and food,” Mr Mason said.
A sprinkle with the hose (providing water is not an issue) can also help when it’s very hot.
And, don’t forget to collect the eggs every day to ensure they, too, are at their best. Don’t want the girls going to all that hard work for nothing!