Runner storms home

By Kath Gannaway
MARYSVILLE GP Lachlan Fraser braved bone-chilling weather conditions on Sunday in a marathon run from Marysville to Melbourne.
Dr Fraser, local GP to the Marysville community for more than a decade, and a keen marathon competitor, made the 95 kilometre run to promote the Marysville Marathon Festival on 8 November.
Dr Fraser left the slowly regenerating Marysville township at 5.30am on what proved to be a relentlessly cold and wet journey into Narbethong, over the Black Spur into Healesville and on along the Maroondah Highway to a reception of Chinese drummers at Federation Square.
Dr Fraser is no stranger to long-distance running having competed for about 10 years in his 20s, returning to the sport in the past five years and moving up a considerable notch to 42 kilometre ultra-marathons 18 months ago.
The Marysville-Melbourne effort represented two and a third marathons and to say it was run in appalling conditions does not do the good doctor, and those who ran for sections of the run with him, due justice.
On the Spur, surrounded by the still blackened tree trunks, the rain threatened to turn to sleet – it seemed, perhaps even snow – but it was the open plains between Healesville and Coldstream which proved the most challenging.
“We had a headwind most of the day and the run down the Spur was not as bad as along the highway through Coldstream where the temperature was down to about six degrees,” Dr Fraser told the Mail on Monday morning.
“It rained all the way, all day, so we were running with rain jackets and hats which is not ideal,” he said.
“Around Rochford I felt some leg cramps, but my legs felt fine in the last 20ks.
“Today is a different matter,” he added.
Dr Fraser was welcomed into Healesville by Federal McEwen MP Fran Bailey who was a welcome sight with a coffee flask and fruit cake, and Lake Mountain mascot Lenny the Leadbeater’s Possum providing another friendly, furry face to champion the cause.
Next stop was Rochford winery where Healesville CFA volunteers and Rochford staff members added their support and a drop of sparkling to warm the blood.
Dr Fraser said Rochford have been tremendously supportive of the Marysville recovery effort supporting events including the Greg Norman Celebrity Golf Challenge and the Christmas in July.
Another boost came at Lilydale where the local CFA gave Dr Fraser a tanker convoy into Chirnside Park.
Dr Fraser said the run attracted good media coverage for the Marysville Marathon Festival, which was the aim of the event.
“We want people to come back now and see Marysville and support the town and the Triangle region and this type of event is one way they can do that,” he said.
The marathon event will have four runs – a 42.195 kilometre marathon, a 21.1km marathon, a 10 kilometre run/walk and a three kilometre run/walk.
Funds raised will go to the local CFA, SES and Kingbilli Wildlife Rescue.
Organisers are encouraging not only serious marathon runners, but skiers, cyclists, walkers and communities in general to get involved in the event.
“We want this to be a financial success for the CFA, SES and Kingbilli, as well as building spirit in the community, and that it will also enable us to keep it going as an annual event for people to return each year to see the town and bush regenerate,” Dr Fraser said.
Organisers are hoping for 1000 participants, but 2000, or more will be even better.
Early entries will help with organisation.
As well as participants in the walk and marathon events, entertainers and stall-holders are needed to add to the festival atmosphere.
“We are still looking for sponsorship in terms of prizes and we have naming rights available for the runs,” Dr Fraser said.
Volunteers are also needed to help out with the running events and the festival.
For those who are keen to get a head start, Dr Fraser and event organisers will be staging two training runs on Sundays 18 and 25 of October, one around Marysville and the other in the Kinglake/Flowerdale region. Anyone planning to compete in the marathons is welcome to join the training runs. Full details of the festival and marathon events, as well as entry forms, are available on the website