
THE original Federation Square big screen has been installed at Marysville.
The project has been made possible through an alliance of Federation Square, CentaCare, Regional Arts Victoria, The Helen Macpherson Smith Trust and the Marysville and Triangle Development Group (MATDG).
The screen, which has been in storage since it was replaced two years ago, was erected at the rear of the former Motor Museum last week.
Janet Cribbes of Centacare, a major sponsor of the project, said the big screen was aimed at providing a significant cultural, social and sporting focus providing a unique gathering space for many events for a 17-week season.
A programming manager has been appointed to establish and manage the screen with a number of arts organisations will provide material to screen.

New regulations

NEW bushfire construction regulations came into effect on 1 September.
Building Commissisoner Tony Arnel said the regulations only applied to the rebuilding of a dwelling in fire-affected areas where a Wildfire Management Overlay (WMO) applies.
Building Amendment (Bushfire Construction) Further Interim Regulations 2009 requires a dedicated fire-fighting static water supply with CFA fittings and access for emergency vehicles.
Mr Arnel said the new regulations aimed to ease the red tape that would ordinarily apply.
Details at

Solar rebate

THE Federal Government’s $1600 solar hot water rebate has been made available to people rebuilding after the bushfires.
Environment Minister Peter Garrett announced last week that the rebate was not usually available for people building new homes, but that the government had made an exception for homes destroyed in the fires. Visit .au/energyefficiency, or call 1800 808 571.