A backward step forward

By Kath Gannaway
IT WAS meant as a “welcome” sign to HEALESVILLE … but it seems someone wanted even those visitors leaving the town to get the message.
Healesville community group Community 3777 erected the sign last week as part of an “out there” approach to involving the community in ideas for a new town entrance statement.
It certainly got people talking, but on Tuesday, they found someone had another idea.
Overnight the letters had been re-arranged to spell ELLIVSELAEH (or something like it – allowing for a mild case of dyslexia!).
While it may have confused those coming into town, motorists heading down the line only had to look in their rear vision mirror to get the message.
Community 3777’s Kath Holton said they were both startled and bemused by the effort someone had gone to to make the changes.
“It shows people have engaged with the idea and want to play with it, but we would rather have their ideas on paper,” she said.
She said the response to a display at The Walk Shopping Centre on the weekend had also been encouraging, with lots of ideas put forward.
“We want to encourage people to get their ideas back to us, on paper, by 10 July.
Ideas sheets are available at Sanctuary Bake House at The Walk.
Anyone with an idea, design or other suggestion, can contact Ms Holton on 0438 171 776.