Guide puppies have vision

By Kath Gannaway
GETTING checked out by local vet Dr Brett Chester is all part of the training for guide puppy Noni.
Noni is a little Labrador with a big job ahead of her and the seventh puppy Jenni Conquest of Badger Creek has put through the critical first stage of training for Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA).
“When she is about 12 months old she will return to SEDA for her final six months of training,” said Ms Conquest who has become a familiar face of SEDA’s puppy training program around Healesville over recent years.
“While she is with me she will be well socialised, going everywhere with me, getting used to crowds, noise, traffic, shopping centres and public transport,” she said.
Dr Chester said regular check-ups were all part of making sure Noni was healthy and strong for when she was placed with her new, vision-impaired, owner.
“We check that the dogs don’t have any inherited or genetic traits which might lead to a shortened lifespan, as well as doing all the routine things like vaccinations,” he said.
The distinctive blue coat leaves no doubt about Noni’s career path, but it serves another purpose.
“When the coat comes off she gets to know it’s playtime; when its on, she’s on duty,” Ms Conquest explained.
The public are also educated in the process with Ms Conquest explaining when people approach for a pat that if the coat is on she’s working … so, please don’t pat!
SEDA is always looking for sponsors for the puppy training program.
For about $20 a month sponsors enable people like Ms Conquest and Dr Chester to help see another puppy through to graduation and placement.
Sponsors receive a photo and letter from their puppy every three months … they’re very clever puppies!
Phone Seeing Eye Dogs on 9381 6400 for more details.