College meets player goals

By Kath Gannaway
WORAWA Aboriginal College has an impressive record when it comes to producing footballers at the elite level of the sport.
Past graduates include David Wirrpanda, premiership player and All Australian for the West Coast Eagles, Freddie Campbell (Sydney Swans) Richard Cole (Collingwood and Essendon), Sean Charles (Melbourne and Carlton) and Jarrod Atkinson (Essendon).
The launch last week of the Worawa AFL Sports Academy is a further step towards providing students with exceptional sporting opportunities.
Worawa board chairwoman Lois Peeler said the AFL and Worawa have a common interest in engaging Indigenous youth in education.
“The Worawa AFL Sports Academy will build upon the achievements to date and provide students with greater opportunity to maximise their sporting potential,” Ms Peeler said.
“The Worawa AFL Sports Academy will be developed based on the Worawa model of integrated education, culture, wellbeing and incorporating the Worawa values of relationship, respect, responsibility and rigour.”
Ms Peeler said Australian Rules football was the game of choice for many Aboriginal communities and added it had proven to be a successful career path for many young Aboriginal men in recent times.
She said it also worked as a vehicle for raising the profile of Aboriginal people and providing a positive stage for the discussion of many issues relating to Indigenous Australians.
The academy will have strong links with existing programs being implemented by the AFL throughout Victoria that focus on education, health, wellbeing and active participation and a strong focus on community engagement.
Ms Peeler said while football would form the foundation sport, other sports and recreational activities would be catered for.
“The academy will leverage the young people’s passion for sport to achieve educational outcomes and healthy lifestyles,” she said.
The launch commenced on the football ground and netball courts providing the many invited guests and other visitors with an insight into what it is all about.
The annual Reconciliation Week football match between Worawa and Melbourne Grammar School saw the home-team take the honours.
Shelford Girls’ Grammar was victorious in the netball competition, which was played between Worawa, PLC, Shelford and Rumbalara Netball Club.
Guests included representatives from community, government, education, sports and corporate sectors.
The league’s first Indigenous VFL/AFL umpire, and Worawa Ambassador, Glenn James was a special guest, along with Rich-mond CEO Stephen Wright and AFL players Matthew Richardson and Elroy Gilligan, as well as members from the Fitzroy Stars Aboriginal football club.
Students from partner schools including Healesville High School, Billanook College, Mt Lilydale Mercy College, Melbourne Grammar, Presbyterian Ladies’ College and Scotch College attended the launch with students later participating in sports clinics and enjoying entertainment by local band Ruckus.