Farmers can get

FARMERS affected by the February bushfires can apply to the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) for financial assistance.
VFF President Simon Ramsay said the generosity of Victorians in the aftermath of the bushfires had been incredible, with donations of approximately half a million dollars made to the VFF Disaster Relief Fund.
He said the VFF was pleased to be passing the funds on to the farmers who needed them the most.
“The Black Saturday bushfires waged an especially high toll on Victorian farmers, with many stock destroyed or injured, 400,000 hectares of land scorched and 8,000 thousand kilometres of boundary fencing burnt away,” Mr Ramsay said.
He said applications would be reviewed by the VFF’s Disaster Relief Fund Committee and a key consideration would be the level of reliance the applicant had on the income from the farm and the extent of the damage incurred.
“Farmers affected by the bushfires do not have to be a member of the VFF to be eligible to apply for a grant,” Mr Ramsay concluded.
For more information about donating to, or accessing, the fund, contact the VFF on 1300 882 833 or check the website: