Have you got Gurranargooyong?

There’s Mt Riddell, but where is, or was, Gurranargooyong?There’s Mt Riddell, but where is, or was, Gurranargooyong?

By Kath Gannaway
HEALESVILLE resident Shane Sawyer’s great grandmother was fastidious when it came to keeping track of her photographs.
“Gurranargooyong, Healesville. Armistice Day, 1929. Great Dividing Range in distance. Mt Riddell topmost peak” she neatly typed on the back of this photo.
But where was Gurranargooyong?
The photo is one of about 350 images of Healesville contained in a photo album which once belonged to his great-grandmother.
Mr Sawyer believes the photos were taken when she was holidaying in Healesville, or during visits with her friend Irene Findlay, a prolific writer of the day and a sister of the wife of Lilydale GP, Dr Syme.
Since moving to Healesville, Mr Sawyer said he has started to place the photos into the current landscape and while some are easily placed in today’s Healesville, this one has eluded him.
If anyone knows of where Gurranargooyong was, who might have owned it back in 1929, who owns it now – and anything in between, phone the Mail on 5962 5800 and help shed some light on the mystery of Gurranargooyong!
We will pass the information on to Mr Sawyer.