Wildlife carers need new home

By Kath Gannaway
A COUPLE who have cared for wildlife in Steels Creek for 12 years have been forced by February’s bushfires to find a new property from which to run their shelter.
It’s the second time in under a year that registered wildlife carers Tony and Georgina Woolley have been forced to move.
The Woolleys initially ran Babbajin Park Wildlife Shelter, specialising in reptiles and birds, from a farm property they rented on Greenwood Lane.
When the property was sold last year a neighbour offered them use of some land at the rear of his farm.
As the fire swept through Steels Creek on Black Saturday the Woolleys were lucky to escape but they are devastated they were unable to save the animals.
In a second blow, having already started to set up new enclosures and take in injured wildlife, they have been told they can no longer stay on the property.
The owner has plans for the land.
“It has come at the worst possible time,” said Mr Woolley who has been a wildlife carer for 25 years.
Pointing to rolls of mesh fencing and posts that have been donated he said support to rebuild the shelter had been rolling in.
“We had so many people here last week to do fencing and help set up enclosures, people dropping off bird aviaries, it’s been tremendous, but this has been a terrible setback, having to start our search for a home all over again.”
The Woolleys say the situation is particularly distressing because there is such an urgent need for what they do.
“Every day we’re coming across animals that are too weak to survive without care. Some are still suffering burns,” Ms Woolley said.
But there are some signs of recovery and they are taking their inspiration from that.
Mr Woolley said he came across a healthy lace monitor about a week ago who, he surmised, probably has been feeding on the many carcasses in the bush.
“I saw a full grown male lyrebird in our gully and a blue wren and it’s great to see the rosellas that are coming in to feed,” he said.
“We’re hopeful that someone out there has a spot on their property that we can rent so we can continue to operate.”
Anyone who can help can contact Tony or Georgina Woolley on 5965 2537.