Back on track

AFTER a false start, Healesville ex-pats Tom Connor and David Holton are now on track to go ahead with their bushfire relief concert – A Village in the Hills.
The 12-hour concert planned for last weekend was cancelled when the boys ran into hurdles with their proposed Badger Creek venue.
It will now be held at the Healesville Racecourse on Saturday, 28 March.
The event is being presented by Traditional Healthcare Inc. a not-for-profit organisation started by David and friends to raise money to build an acupuncture clinic in a remote area of India, Australia and other parts of the world.
“After the fires we felt that we needed to do something for the community that we all grew up in,” David told the Mail. “Both myself and Tom grew up in Healesville and are still actively involved in the community so we decided to get some bands together and raise some money for the CFAs in our area.”
The concert will kick off at 11am and run through to 11pm.
“All money raised will go to the local CFAs,” David said.
Details:0420 641 317.