In it for the long run

Healesville's Heather Christie will run 100km to raise money for CanTeen later this month. 157538 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


A HEALESVILLE runner will be taking on a mammoth marathon to raise money for cancer research and support later this month, running 100 kilometres around the Tan Track in Melbourne.
Heather Christie will be taking part in the Tan Ultra marathon, on Sunday 14 August, where runners will do laps of the Botanical Gardens’ Tan Track in legs of four, 12, 21, 42, 50 and 100 kilometres.
Ms Christie, who runs the Healesville Fitness Centre with her sister, will be running the full 100km – some 26 laps of the track – in 12 hours.
Though she has experience in running marathons in the past, Ms Christie said she had not taken part in running events since taking over the gym almost two years ago.
“I just needed something to focus on, something to show people what you can do if you really want to, and to raise some funds for something as well,” Ms Christie said.
Though one dollar from every entrant’s fee will go towards CanTeen, Ms Christie has also sought donations for her run and raised more than $1000 towards a $1200 goal.
She said she had been training for the Tan Ultra for the past 14 weeks, but that it would still be a “mental challenge”.
Though her running mates from the gym were not taking part in the race with her, Ms Christie said she will be bringing a team of supporters to keep her running – and keep her from boredom – over the 12-hour run.
“Each lap, they’re going to do something different to keep me entertained,” she said.
Healesville’s Janet Bridgart, who told the Mail about Ms Christie’s run, said the race would be a “massive physical and mental effort” to help fund CanTeen.
“Heather is an incredible athlete, passionate about this issue (and) training hard for this event,” she said.
CanTeen provides counselling and support for young people living with cancer.
For more information on the Tan Ultra, visit To donate to Ms Christie’s run, call Healesville Fitness Centre on 5962 5699.