Pipe work starts

Bulldozers working on the Sugarloaf Pipeline clear a path through the Toolangi Forest.Bulldozers working on the Sugarloaf Pipeline clear a path through the Toolangi Forest.

By Kath Gannaway
CLEARING of bushland in the Toolangi State Forest started last week as the Sugarloaf Pipeline project makes its way towards Dixons Creek.
The clearing of the southern portal is the first indication of what local environment groups say is blatant destruction of the forest environment.
Steve Meacher, chairman of Healesville Environment Watch Inc. (HEWI) said he was to meet with representatives of the Sugarloaf Pipeline Alliance today (Tuesday) to discuss the work they were planning to do in the Toolangi area.
He said there were a number of indicators which did not augur well for the bush.
He said surveyors he spoke with on the Toolangi site last week were unaware of commitments where possible to protect the rare pomaderris plant.
Mr Meacher said despite information on Melbourne Water’s website which stated an offset plan must be approved by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, as part of the broader environmental management plan, before any work could be done on the portals, no such plan had been approved.
While action is planned at grass roots level to continue the protests which have marked the progress of the pipeline from plan to graders, McEwen MP Fran Bailey has introduced a Private Member’s Bill in Federal Parliament which aims to stop water flowing in the pipeline.
“Right across our region, local people are being heartbroken every day as land is cleared for a pipeline that will suck the last few drops of water from the Goulburn and leave our people without the capacity to produce quality produce for our tables,” she said.
“She said the Bill which was due to be introduced yesterday (Monday) would give the Prime Minister and Environment Minister Peter Garrett one last opportunity to distance themselves from what she labelled the bullying of country Victoria by Premier John Brumby.
“The Bill will force the Prime Minister to accept that he was wrong to be bullied by Premier Brumby into removing the Goulburn from the Murray Darling Basin, against all scientific evidence,” she said.