Ex-minister Garrett had brigade’s respect

Minister Jane Garrett with Wesburn/Millgrove CFA Captain Adam Pelling, Brigade president Brian Halit and Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley in less troubled times. 155441 Picture: KATH GANNAWAY


“IT’S politics, and it’s ruthless sometimes”.
President and former Captain of Wesburn/Millgrove CFA, veteran firefighter and ex-Group Officer Brian Halit spoke to the Mail today (Friday) following the announcement of Emergency Service Minister Jane Garrett’s resignation.
Saying he believed the minister was put in a position of resign or be sacked, he said she had excelled in her role and had the respect of his brigade members and the CFA in general.
It’s fair to say that Jane Garrett has won the hearts of CFA volunteers, and her admiration for those volunteers was clearly evident when she opened the new fire station and fire refuge at Millgrove last year.
While her resignation did not come as a total surprise to the CFA volunteers she has championed over the United Firefighters Union/MFB/EBA debacle, it has hit hard.
Mr Halit emphasised that he was not speaking on behalf of all CFA volunteers, but said he was confident to speak on a personal level and on behalf of the brigade and other CFA members who have spoken with him on what has become a political time bomb.
“We’re not pleased with what’s happened here … she was right to stick to her guns,” he said.
He said he emailed Minister Garrett on Thursday night thanking her for her support for the CFA in general, but particularly for the volunteers regarding the contentious EBA.
“I told her we would be happy to stand with her in any situation for what she has done for us,” he said.
Mr Halit said it was important to emphasise that CFA volunteers don’t object to the MFB firefighters getting a pay rise, but said there has not been enough public scrutiny of what’s in the detail (of the EBA) and the impact it will have on the CFA.
On the appointment of Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley to sort out the EBA mess, he said he believed he was “probably the best person for the job in the current situation”.
He was not as supportive for Ms Garrett’s replacement, Deputy Premier James Merlino.
“The fact that she was prepared to stand up to the Premier on this issue says something, but I believe that James Merlino will just go with the Premier,” he said.
Mr Halit flagged that the CFA Board had also been given an ultimatum to tow the line or resign. It was announced later that the Board had in fact been given an ultimatum to sign the EBA or be dismissed. An court injunction has been granted preventing the CFA Board from signing the EBA until early next week.
Mr Halit said he had no doubt that the EBA would impact on the CFA and the volunteers.
“It smacks of absolute control,” he said.
“There’s a lot of stuff to go through and I don’t envy Craig Lapsley in trying to facilitate a resolution.”
One of the greatest impacts however, he said, was the loss of a dedicated, passionate and committed minister in Jane Garrett.