Good sports aim to close the gap

Eastern Health staff faced off with Indigenous athletes in a friendly netball and football match at the Closing the Gap Sports Day. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

EASTERN Health’s Closing the Gap Sports Day saw staff face off against Indigenous athletes from around the valley in a football and netball match in late February.

Held on Sunday 28 February, at Healesville’s Don Road Sporting Complex, the Eastern Health staff came out on top in the football match, but lost to community members in the netball game.

The teams came together for the day in the spirit of reconciliation ahead of national Closing the Gap Day on Thursday 17 March, and to raise awareness of health resources for Indigenous residents in the area.

Eastern Health’s Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officer Jo Voce said it was “terrific” to see families supporting the event, which included a Welcome to Country, a petting zoo and jumping castle, art displays, music and information displays.

“While there was plenty of action on the football field and netball court, today is very much about raising awareness about Aboriginal health in the region,” she said.

“Events such as these, as well as what we do at our hospitals and community health sites throughout the year, reinforce how much of a key priority closing the gap is for Eastern Health.”