Students step up

Teacher Trish Snowden and students Isabel, Ariana, Tyler and Noah with one of the displays from the Expo. 144604 Picture: VICTORIA STONE-MEADOWS


MILLWARRA Primary School has been studying how different people contribute to their community and held an expo to show what they had learned.
The project focused on community helpers and the grade Prep, 1, 2, and 3 students worked together to learn all about the people and what they do to help their community.
Each group of students was given a different occupation or community group to learn about and build a display about that person or group over the course of the term.
Teacher Trish Snowden said the project had been a great success and the expo was an exciting time for the students.
“It was all about community engagement and the students gaining an understanding of what different people do,” she said.
“The benefit of having an expo was the students had to display their new knowledge by explaining back what they had learned.”
The project also fit in with the school’s focus on sustainability as waste collectors and other environmental services were included in the project.
Principal Rod Bernard said the project was “awesome” and he was very proud of what the students had achieved.
“There was so much maths and literature involved in making the displays and researching the different groups,” he said.
“It was such an engaging project and there was so much work involved in learning but also the students understanding what are learning.”