Support for Syrian response


THE Australian Government’s decision this week to increase refugee intake has won support among the region’s politicians.

In light of the humanitarian crisis related to the Syrian conflict, the Federal Government announced Australia would resettle an additional 12,000 refugees.

This is in addition to the existing humanitarian program of 13,750, which rises to 18,750 in 2018/19.

Australia will also provide humanitarian support to more than 240,000 people who have been forced to flee their homes or seek refuge in neighbouring countries and will deliver much needed food, water, healthcare, education, emergency supplies and protection, including support for women and girls.

To gain a better understanding of the region’s view on this issue, the Mail is conducting a poll.

The poll asks whether readers support or oppose increasing Australia’s asylum seeker intake, and whether they support or oppose the bombing of Syria also announced by the government.

Have your say at

Casey MP Tony Smith and La Trobe MP Jason Wood both supported the move.

Mr Smith was sympathetic to the refugees’ plight.

“The shocking situation in Syria is terrible and devastating,” Mr Smith said.

“Australians by nature are generous and always willing to lend a hand.

“I welcome the decision the government has made to ensure assistance is provided to those who are most in need.”

Meanwhile, Mr Wood backed the announcement from Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

“This Monday I sent a letter to the Prime Minister, requesting an increase to the number of refugees Australia accepts annually from 13,750 to 20,000,” Mr Wood said.

“I was so moved by the image of the young boy lying lifeless on the beach, and, as a parent, I was overwhelmed with sadness for the little boy and his family.

“I firmly believe that Australia needs to be generous and sympathetic in its response to a situation like this.”

“While I would have personally preferred this number to be even higher, my aim was to ensure that our government made the most generous commitment, which it has.”

“This is the Australian Government letting the international community know that we support a global response to the Syrian crisis.”

The Mail also yesterday spoke with Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, who also praised the move, saying the increase to more than 18,000 refugees was the correct number.

Mr Guy said Victoria should welcome the refugees to the state.