Partnership delivers car park

Mayor Maria McCarthy with Launching Place Primary School captains Tahlia Bextream and Mason Boek open the new car park with Casey MP Tony Smith and Cr Jim Child. 144029 Picture: VICTORIA STONE-MEADOWS


LAUNCHING Place Primary School has officially opened its new car park with a ceremonial ribbon cutting and presentation at the school.
The car park was officially opened on Thursday 3 September with Yarra Ranges Mayor Maria McCarthy, O’Shannessy Ward Counsellor Jim Child and Casey MP Tony Smith in attendance.
“This project will benefit the school community and ensure children and parents are kept safe during peak times,” Cr McCarthy said.
Previously, the school has used two small car parks for about 150 families that attend the school and as well as staff.
The new 26-space car park has been built by Yarra Ranges Council and received $160,000 of funding from the Federal Government.
“This project is a great example of a partnership approach – the school lobbied for the car park, the Federal Government funded it and council delivered it,” Cr Child said.
The new car park has been made possible through federal funding after years of lobbying from the school council.
Launching Place Primary School Council president Amanda Pitts said the new car park had been a long time coming, but will make a big difference to the school.
“It’s been quite a few years work in the making,” she said.
“We’ve been lobbying hardest in the last four years and even started to raise money ourselves, but this has been a wonderful outcome.”
In an address to the assembled students, parents, and staff of the school, Tony Smith paid tribute to the hard work that secured the funding for the car park.
“It’s a wonderful step for the school,” he said.
The new car park will serve the school community as well as other community groups who use the school facilities after hours.