Morrow welcomes tanker upgrade

Dixons Creek Fire Brigade captain Wayne Morrow with the brigade's tanker, which will now be replaced. 143129 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


DIXONS Creek Fire Brigade will have a brand new $300,000 tanker to tackle fires in difficult-to-reach areas, after a funding announcement last week.

The Victorian Government announced on Thursday 13 August that fire brigades and emergency services volunteers across the state would share in $12.5 million under the Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) grants.

Dixons Creek Fire Brigade was named as one of these brigades, receiving $100,000 in grants, along with $180,000 in contributions from the CFA.

Accompanied by $80,000 in funding from the brigade itself, the $360,000 tanker has been all but confirmed as coming to the station.

When the Mail called Dixons Creek Captain Wayne Morrow, he had yet to hear the news.

“News of the tanker upgrade has made my day,” he said.

“The brigade members are thrilled.”

Captain Morrow explained that each year the VESEP grants applications open for new equipment, infrastructure or vehicles, and that this year, the brigade applied for a new tanker to replace its Tanker 2.

“Eighty thousand dollars of hard-earned fund-raising money is being contributed by the brigade towards the cost of the appliance,” he said.

The new truck will replace the 13-year-old tanker, and will be a four-wheel-drive, as opposed to the current two-wheel-drive, which Capt Morrow said made traversing paddocks and other areas difficult.

“Essentially, we require a four-wheel-drive as it is more suitable for our area,” he said.

“The four-wheel-drive will allow access into paddocks and onto tracks where the existing truck can’t go, and make operations far safer for brigade members.

Other brigades in the Yarra Ranges to benefit from the funding include Belgrave and Belgrave Heights and South brigades, the Dandenong Ranges Fire Brigade, Lilydale Fire Brigade, Olinda Fire Brigade, Mount Evelyn Fire Brigade, Wandin and Warburton Fire Brigades and Narbethong Fire Brigade.