New home of business

Habitat1 owners, Sean Lee and John Knoll, right, with graphic designer and artist, Paul Sonsie, middle. 141713 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


A NEW, shared workspace venture will give space to small home businesses, as part of a project by two Yarra Valley entrepreneurs.

Habitat1 Co Shared Workspace opened on Monday in Healesville’s main street, offering office places in a shared environment for small businesses.

The venture is the latest from Mt Rael’s Sean Lee and John Knoll, and was inspired by Mr Lee’s sojourn in New York City, where shared workspaces are more common.

“Shared workspaces, which have their office set-up, but have a great degree of informality, a casual approach and funky decor,” Mr Knoll said of the overseas spaces.

“The idea was catching on in Melbourne and we thought it was a great concept, certainly for Healesville and the Yarra Valley.

“As businesses grow, people want to move out of the home and set up a studio and office space here, and also be surrounded by like-minded creative people.”

The idea of funky decor has also translated to the Healesville business, with art by graphic artist Paul Sonsie adorning the main walls in the shared area.

The way the workspace works, financially, is that businesses pay an annual membership to Habitat1, and then pay rent per month for the different studio or shared space desks, which depend on size.

Each of the spaces has its own phone number (phone bills are separate from rent), and the variety, according to Mr Lee and Mr Knoll, reflects the varied nature of businesses taking up spots.

The Yarra Valley Winegrowers’ Association, for example, was one of the first businesses to take up digs in the studio offices, while a smaller operator may choose to have a desk in a shared space.

Mr Lee said visitors could also treat the area like an internet cafe, with daily rent options for those just after a space – and an internet connection – to do work peacefully, or to collaborate with others.

“When you look at the business model of Apple, their workspaces are very communal – it’s about the exchanging of ideas,” Mr Knoll said.

“We obviously don’t have a daycare centre on site – or a gym – but it’s kind of mixing that work and lifestyle and being able to brainstorm with like-minded individuals.

“I’d like to think of an architect having lunch on the couch and having a chat to the winemaker next door, and all of a sudden, there’s a new cellardoor being built.”

The pair also own the Herd Bar venue downstairs, at the former Healesville Basement site, which is set to open later this month.

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