Road needs attention

I READ the recent article in your paper and would like to add my comments.
As a regular user of the road between Healesville and Eildon, I certainly agree the road needs attention.
I think there should be guard rails on the ‘drop’ side of the road, no matter in which direction you are travelling.
Also, it seems ridiculous the speed limit is 60km/h for some distance out of Healesville, and then changes to 80km/h when you hit the start of the bends about the tanks.
The speed limit should be 60km/h or a maximum of 70km/h all the way from the tanks to the Black Spur Inn, not just over the spur.
It is certainly not safe with an 80km/h speed limit.
Also, even though there are a few slow-vehicle pull-offs, the spots where the road is wider and there is a verge for a short distance where a vehicle could pull over out of the way should have bitumen on them.
At the moment, most of them just have a bit of gravel on them, and they are not safe to pull over into, especially in the wet or the dark and you have someone sitting right on your tail.
If they were more solid, it would give more chances for slow vehicles to pull over.
I agree with the solid line all the way over the spur, but there are a few places where the road is straight enough and the view long enough that they could perhaps have a dotted-line where vehicles could pass.
This may help to stop the idiots who pass other vehicles over the solid line in ridiculous places.
Val Lyons,