Love story of lies and damn lies

Sharon Miller looks to romance to inform people of the plight of the Cambodian people. 136753_01. Picture: ROB CAREW.


A LOVE story may seem an unlikely vehicle for a writer looking to draw people’s attention to child trafficking in Cambodia, but author Minxx Fox was inspired.
In the non-fiction part of her life, Minxx is Don Valley businesswoman, mother and author, Sharon Miller, who has just released ‘The Lie Cycle’ as an eBook to help raise funds for Sunrise Children’s Villages in Cambodia.
Sharon is a sponsor of Sunrise, and has great admiration for the work Australian woman Geraldine Cox does in caring for the 400 children at the orphanage.
“I was inspired by Geraldine and by Cambodia in general, and wanted to write a novel to bring attention to the plight of the Cambodian people,” she said.
“One of the underlying themes is lies, and there are various lies, some small, some enormous, built into each chapter.”
The main character, Jamee, has heartache and joy as she endeavours to find her place in the world, leaving a privileged life to work at a Christian Cambodian orphanage.
It was in trying to incorporate various themes into the story that Sharon said she came to the decision to tell it as a love story.
She described the book as romantic, without being sexually explicit, an easy read, with an underlying message of the joy of being a good global citizen, the need for religious tolerance, and the plight of the Cambodian people, while exploring the devastating impact that lies can bring upon people and relationships.
Fifty per cent of the net profit from the sale of the book will go to the Australia Cambodia Foundation, and Sharon said she hoped to sell 750 e-books to enable ‘The Lie Cycle’ to go into print.
“It’s tough with so many books around, but once it is in print version, we can start marketing to a wider market,” she said.
And, the name? “I’m neither a Minx, nor a fox … it’s a family joke, and it had a great ring to it as a penname.”
The eBook version of ‘The Lie Cycle’ is available through Amazon, I-bookstore and through .