Indi MP ready for comp

INDI’S ousted Federal Member Sophie Mirabella has made a return to the spotlight, revealing she will stand for pre-selection to try and win back her seat next year.
Ms Mirabella, who was defeated by Independent candidate Cathy McGowan in 2013, confirmed to another media outlet last week that she would run for pre-selection in the lead-up to next year’s Federal Election.
Pre-selected candidates for the Liberal Party are expected to be announced in June.
Ms McGowan tweeted in response to the announcement and said she welcomed “all candidates”.
“A strong democracy is based on competition, and I welcome all candidates,” she wrote.
“My focus 2day is budget – and Goverts vision for Regional Australia.”
McGowan won the election with 441 votes, with a 9.2 per cent swing away from the Liberal Party – Ms Mirabella conceded defeat and did not request a recount.
The seat of Indi covers the Toolangi and Marysville area and is 28,567 square kilometres in total.