Teddy Bears welcome

The beautiful surrounds at the Hoddles Creek Primary School.

THE Hoddles Creek Primary School families, along with the wider community, are invited to the school’s open day on Wednesday, 20 May.
The classrooms will be open for visitors to browse throughout the day.
The day has a Teddy Bears’ Picnic theme. Please come along with your favourite teddy bear and join in the fun activities planned for the teddies.
This includes adults bringing along their favourite teddy, too!
The story time session will run from 2.30pm till 3.30pm in the multi-purpose room.
All students at the school, as well as visitors and Story Time children, will join in having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
All students attending Hoddles Creek Primary School are asked to bring along their teddy bear on the day, as well as a picnic rug.
An afternoon tea/picnic will take place in the multi, along with some stories and activities.
Hoddles Creek Primary School families are asked to please bring along a plate of afternoon tea to share.
Students will be making some fairy bread to share at the picnic.
Hope to see you there and the school is looking forward to meeting your teddy bear.
Special event:
On Tuesday, 19 May, as part of Education Week, the school is having a special visit from the Royal Flying Doctor Aero Medical Simulator.
The simulator is a life-size replica of the fuselage of a flying doctor’s plane.
It is fully equipped with the equipment used by the doctors, nurses and pilots of the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
An invitation is extended to our parent community to attend and/or participate in this event. There is no cost to take part.
The school is extremely lucky to be able to secure this experience for the school and hope you’ll be able to join us for this exciting event from 11.30am-1.30pm.