Bank on it

Yarra Junction community bank manager Adam Whitworth with Georgia Martin, Emily Martin, UYCE director Sarah Forbes, Kaitlyn Whitelaw and Tina Whitelaw. 134664_01


THREE Upper Yarra students will get a helping hand with tertiary education thanks to the 2015 Community Bank scholarships announced on Tuesday, 10 February.
The scholarship is provided by the Warburton and Yarra Junction community bank branches of Bendigo Bank.
The three students are Kaitlyn Whitelaw from Gladysdale, who will commence a course in paramedicine at the Australian Catholic University, Sarah Enery from Wesburn, who will commence a diploma in youth work at Box Hill TAFE and Georgia Martin, from Millgrove who is receiving a further year of scholarship support for her second year of studies in psychology at Deakin University.
UYCE chairman Peter Kimberley said all three students showed exemplary commitment to their studies in a range of challenging circumstances and demonstrated need that financial assistance would help ease the demands of travel and accommodation expenses incurred in studying away from home.
Mr Kimberley said supporting students towards tertiary study was part of the branches’ commitment to building a stronger Upper Yarra community.
“The high cost associated with tertiary study can have a significant impact on a young person’s ability to further their education and some may not get the chance to achieve their academic dreams without some help,” Mr Kimberley said.
“Our community bank branches are proud to support this scholarship program for a second year, as part of our ongoing community investment program.”
“In meeting these three dedicated young people in our community, I am reminded of the quote that young people are about one-fifth of our population but 100 per cent of our future.
“The future for these three locals is now off to a great start.”