It’s on at last!

Nick Roe, Mayor Fiona McAllister, Ben Duff and Robyn Johnson officially open the Healesville Railway Walk. 130411 Pictures: JESSE GRAHAM


HEALESVILLE’S 150th celebrations are officially underway!
Residents from Healesville and Yarra Glen, along with140 students from Yarra Glen Primary School gathered this morning for the official beginning of this weekend’s Healesville 150th events – a steam engine parade from Yarra Glen to Healesville.
Departing from McKenzie Reserve at 11.30am and arriving in Healesville at 2pm, 16 steam engines took part in the parade after speeches from Yarra Ranges Mayor Fiona McAllister, Casey MP Tony Smith and a number of community members.
According to Yarra Valley Railway Vice-President, Brett Whelan, the parade smashed a previous Australian record for the largest number of steam engines travelling between towns.
After the procession arrived in Healesville, Chamber of Commerce Vice-President Ben Duff, Cr McAllister and the last stationmaster for Healesville’s Railway Station Nick Roe cut the opening ribbon for the Healesville Railway Walk with resident, Robyn Johnson.
Ms Johnson came up with the idea for the Railway Walk – a paved path between Church Street and the railway station, dotted with pavers with community members’ names and business logos – earlier in the year, and received widespread support from the chamber and the council.
She said the first two lots of pavers had been installed in the path, with more to be added as the year goes on.
The Healesville High School band performed at the opening, and residents immediately used the occasion as a chance to walk the newly-opened path and celebrate in the lead-up to tomorrow’s events.
At 10am on Saturday 8 November, a parade of over 800 community members will leave from the corner of Church Street and Nicholson Street (Maroondah Highway), making their way to Queens Park.
Afterwards, the Party in the Park events will begin, along with the Healesville Heritage Festival at the Railway Station.
The Heritage Festival will run all weekend, and a number of other events are on the cards for the two days.
For a full calendar of events, visit
For the full story and photos from the weekend, see next week’s Mail.