THE Yarra Valley’s most frequently called emergency wildlife telephone service has changed its number.
The impact on the service is yet to become evident.
“To ensure our emergency service is not put in jeopardy, we’re conducting a strategic communications campaign to our 500 members, rural and regional media, veterinary surgeries, essential services like the police and CFA, and local community groups with a new poster, stickers, media statements, an updated website and information packs,” Wildlife Victoria’s executive officer Sandy Fernee said.
Wildlife Victoria is the State’s largest non-profit organisation rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for Victoria’s injured native and orphaned wildlife.
Operating since 1989, Wildlife Victoria has a team of more than 500 volunteers who care for and rescue injured animals and who operate Wildlife Victoria’s emergency telephone service which takes more than 20,000 calls per year.
The new telephone number to ring for injured wildlife across the state is 13 000 94535.
For further information, visit the Wildlife Victoria website at