Backlash after email slip

The offending email from Cindy McLeish, in response to a carbon copy (cc) email from HEWI's Steve Meacher.


SEYMOUR MP Cindy McLeish has come under fire after accidentally forwarding an email from a community group, alleging that the group is politically-linked.
However, Ms McLeish has defended the email, and said it was sent in error and refers to a member of the group only.
On 5 June, Healesville Environment Watch Incorporated (HEWI) chairman, Steve Meacher, sent an email submission in regards to VicForests’ Timber Release Plan.
A copy was sent to Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Ryan Smith, and Seymour MP and Eildon candidate, Cindy McLeish.
However, on 11 June, Steve received a reply from Ms McLeish, which began with a note to her staff:
“Heather – not bothering to respond to the Greens. Please delete draft,” it read.
Mr Meacher ran as a Greens candidate for the Federal seat of Casey in last year’s Federal Election.
However, Mr Meacher said the submission was sent on behalf of HEWI, which was not a politically-affiliated group, and that he believed the reply he received demonstrated Ms McLeish’s position in regards to environmental groups.
Ms McLeish said she had erroneously sent on the email, and had actually meant not to respond, because the email was not explicitly directed to her.
“If it was addressed just to me and it was something I needed to respond to, I would,” she said.
“This was a ‘cc’ (carbon copy) – I didn’t bother to respond because it was a ‘cc’.”
As for her comment on the greens, Ms McLeish said she was referring to Mr Meacher’s political affiliation in last year’s election, and meant no offence by the comment.
“It was an error,” she said.
“I’ve listened to Mr Meacher and his group and their philosophy, and visited the forests on several occasions.
“I show them a huge amount of respect – probably more than I get back.”