Frank account of history

History Book team members, Jim Child, Frank Colverson and Upper Yarra Historical Society president Tom O’Meara look over material at the Upper Yarra Museum. 121001_01. Picture: KATH GANNAWAY.


FRANK Colverson’s book ‘Being Frank’, a personal perspective on a life-time in Yarra Junction released last year has sparked an even more ambitious project, which is well on its way.
Frank is part of a team of six local people working on the Yarra Junction History Book Project that aims to publish a history of Yarra Junction in words and pictures from Aboriginal times to the present day.
The years 2014 and 2015 have been earmarked for research and to commence writing, with plans to release the book in 2016. The team anticipates that a Back To Yarra Junction at the Upper Yarra Historical Museum on 16 November will be an opportunity to add to the already substantial collection of photographs, recollections, personal anecdotes, documents and other memorabilia.
“We are going right back to Aboriginal times, the early explorers, in particular Robert Hoddle and his exploration up the Yarra (River) and around this area,” Frank said.
“We will work through land selection and the beginning of the township, the early industries and infrastructure, talk about the people and the social life, the effects of the Depression and world wars, the timber strike and celebrities who have been connected with the town.”
Yarra Ranges Council’s O’Shannassy Ward councillor Jim Child is on the committee, and says the project is already bringing the community together.
“We see it with the facebook page where we started with one or two topics and a photo of the old swimming pool, and that connection is the usual group of people who grew up here in the late 1950s, the 60s and the 70s. In turn, they have connection back to their parents in the earlier days,” he said.
The Yarra Junction Library is offering a ‘scan and go’ service for photographs and documents, and the same facility will be available at the museum during the Back To Yarra Junction.
Frank said the project was ambitious but achievable with a strong, committed team tackling specific aspects such as research, writing, promotion and organising the Back To.
For further information about the book or the Back To Yarra Junction, you can visit the facebook page , or phone Frank Colverson on 0409 671 221.