Reserve set for birds, possums


FRIENDS of the Helmeted Honeyeater (FOHE) have welcomed State Government support for the Yellingbo reserve that is home to the state’s two faunal emblems, the Helmeted Honeyeater and the Leadbeater’s Possum.
The government has agreed to 19 recommendations made by the Victorian Environment Assessment Council in a report on how the reserve should be managed.
Under the recommendations, fragmented areas of habitat around Yellingbo will come together under a nearly 3000-hectare conservation area.
FOHE spokesperson Bob Anderson said the government had virtually agreed to the final report, which included setting up a co-ordinating committee.
He said the group had made submissions following the initial report and were happy with the changes made and the fact that the government had accepted most of the report.
He said the report recognised the importance of the corridors and the need to protect them.
“The important things were setting up the co-ordinating committee, to get the legislation needed to back up the recommendations, and to have a budget that is commensurate with the plan,” Mr Anderson said.
“The report talks about how important the budget is and that it has to be appropriate (to the actions recommended) and we are looking forward to seeing that happen,” he said.
One question that remains is the name of the reserve.
The report talks about the Yellingbo Conservation Area, but there is support locally for a wider term that could incorporate the Yarra Valley into the name.
With the area critical to the survival of two endangered state faunal emblems, one suggestion is State Emblems Park.
What do Mail readers think? Is there a better name than Yellingbo Conservation Area? Let us know on the Mail facebook page, email, or write to The Editor, Mail Newspaper Group, PO Box 470, Healesville, 3777.