AFTER losing his best mate to diabetes last November, Jason Long has organised a family fun day and fundraiser on Australia Day in his memory.
Local Yarra Junction resident Luke Quick died of complications related to the disease late last year.
He was a man who always celebrated Australia Day with a party.
Mr Long said his friend loved the day and hosting an event like this was a perfect fit to remember his best friend and improve diabetes awareness in the community.
“There are two aspects to the day,” he said.
“It’s a family fun day and it is also a day to raise money to go towards diabetes research or into a trust account for Luke’s six-year-old daughter, Lani, for her future education.
“Given the Yarra Valley has one of the highest rates of diabetes in Australia we hope the local community will come together to support this day.”
The Yarra Valley Australia Day Fundraiser Event will be held on Sunday 26 January at the Yarra Junction Football Ground from 1.30pm.
Mr Long said the response from the local community has been great with donations of champagne, furniture, push-bikes, meal vouchers and more coming in to be raffled off on the day.
The event will also have children’s activities including a petting zoo, jumping castle and other rides for a gold coin donation as well as entertainment by local bands and a sausage sizzle.