COLDSTREAM’S CFA Captain has urged council to take action on a badly damaged road, insisting that the dangerous surface could cause a fatality if left unrepaired.
However, council has said that the road is scheduled for works next month and that urgent works had been undertaken to keep the area safe.
CFA Captain John Fenton contacted the Mail last week with concerns about a section of Killara Road, which runs from Coldstream to Gruyere.
The section of road, which runs a few kilometres from the intersection of Killara Road and Maroondah Highway, is marred with torn-up asphalt and crumbling sides.
Capt Fenton said that there had been a fatality on Killara Road in the past and had deep concerns that another wouldn’t be too far away, due to cars swerving around trouble spots.
“We’re going to have all sorts of issues if something is not done,” he said.
“My concern is that of a community ratepayer, and as the captain of the local fire brigade.
“There’s going to be an accident there one day.”
Yarra Ranges Council’s acting director of Environment and Engineering, Jane Sinnamon, responded to Capt Fenton’s concerns and said that the road would be repaired in works beginning next month.
“Council officers have inspected Killara Road as part of the council’s road rehabilitation program for this financial year,” she said.
She said that members of the public had contacted council with concerns about the road, and that temporary asphalt works were undertaken in the lead-up to the major repairs.
“Our maintenance crews will continue undertaking regular asphalt works on this section of Killara Road until the major rehabilitation works take place,” Ms Sinnamon said.
“These works are of a temporary nature and similar to the works carried out on the shoulder/parking area of Maroondah Highway (in Coldstream).”
Ms Sinnamon asked residents who were concerned about the state of a particular road to contact council on 1300 368 333 or to visit www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au.